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The Maternal Mortality Crisis

Friday, May 31, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Fairfax Room, Third Floor


How Western Medicine's Foundational Anti-Blackness and Anti-Indigeneity Harms Black and Indigenous Birthing People


Modern western medicine's foundation in white supremacist heteropatriarchy has directly impacted the profession's anthropological presupposition that the one and only normative and normal human form/embodiment is that of the wealthy, white, Euro-American, Christian, able-bodied, neurotypical, cis-heterosexual male. This panel session will address the harms caused to Black and Indigenous birthing people attributable to the potent combination of Anti-Blackness, Anti-Indigeneity, and misogyny in modern western medicine's culture and practices. Let's talk about this, and come together to break this cycle!
