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Claiming and Reclaiming Power

Friday, May 31, 2024
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Fairfax Room, Third Floor


Enacting Bodily Autonomy and Asserting the Right to the Information and Resources Necessary for Reproductive Freedom: The universal human right to bodily autonomy is meaningful only if people have access to the information and resources necessary for them to enact their agency as autonomous beings. This panel session will address the various channels of information and resources related to abortion, contraception, and birthing options - and the barriers to this information and resources - that impact people's ability to control their reproductive destiny. The discussion will address digital and online sources of information and support, abortion and midwifery funds, and self-managed abortion.


Jeff Koetje
Reproductive Health Programming Specialist


April Lockley
Medical Director
Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline

Rachael Lorenzo
Executive Director
Indigenous Women Rising
